Sidenko V.
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Kravchenko I.
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Kyreieva Z.
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Pinchuk D.
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv


Keywords: daily time series, air temperature, extreme temperatures, atmospheric precipitation, data rescue, quality control, INQC, Climatol


This paper presents the results of the digitization of hard copies (meteorological tables) containing records of daily values of mean (TM), maximum (TX) and minimum (TN) surface air temperatures and atmospheric precipitation sums (RR). The daily values of TM, TX and TN obtained at 176 meteorological stations of the national hydrometeorological monitoring network were digitized. The largest number of stations (178) were processed for digitizing atmospheric precipitation data. The total number of digitized values is 3,571,778. The digitized values fill in the gaps in the digital database of daily values of the essential climatic variables (TM, TX, TN and RR), which was created at the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute. The quality control of the digital database was carried out using state-of-the-art, well-tested dedicated software INQC and Climatol. The number of detected gross errors is 3,933 and ranges from 9 to 2015, depending on the meteorological parameter (however, not more than 0.04% of the total set of values of each variable). A slightly larger number of values were recorded that fell into the category of probable errors, outliers, suspicious values, and collectively suspicious values. The percentage of such values from the total amount of values for each dataset reaches up to 0.14%. Based on the results of the quality control procedure, all identified errors were checked and corrected in correspondence with the data in the original hard copies.


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