Shevchenko O.
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

DOI: http://doi.org/10.15407/Meteorology2023.03.036

Keywords: logical and a priori analysis, groundwater inflow, hydrodynamic calculations, infiltration recharge, infiltration coefficient, groundwater level, balance, regime


The article demonstrates with examples that due to the lack of input information, logical a priori analysis can be effectively applied to solve not too complex hydrogeological problems: in regional studies, for the analysis of observation data on the groundwater regime, in the design of underground water intakes, dissection of river hydrographs, selection calculation parameters for modeling, etc. Nowadays, this method of analysis is replaced by methods of information processing using artificial intelligence, which does not require deep knowledge of the subject and significant experience of the researcher. It is shown that the logical a priori analysis can be an effective auxiliary method when performing hydrodynamic calculations. Thus, with its help, it was found that the most representative parameter, which manifests and controls the dependence of the groundwater recharge on precipitation, is the weighted average annual coefficient of infiltration recharge. This indicator can also be used to correct unknown filtering parameters, since it has a narrow range of variability, which in turn is controlled by the actual amount of annual precipitation.


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