Overview of the results of research of radioactive contamination of the Kakhovka Reservoir, which were conducted after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP (1986-1921)
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute
Grydorii Derkach
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute
1. Bochkov, L, Vakulovsky, S, Nikitin, A, Tertyshnik, E, Chumichev, V (1983). About the content of cesium-137 in surface waters of land. Meteorology and Hydrology, 8, 79–83. [In russian]
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4. IAEA (2006). Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin. IAEA RAR Series, Vienna.
5. Israel, Yu.A., Vakulovsky, S.M., Vetrov, V.A., Petrov, V.I., Rovinsky, F.Ya., Stukin, E.D. (1990). Chernobyl: radioactive contamination of natural environments. Leningrad, 296. [In russian]
6. Kanivets, V.V. (1996). Analysis of the main tendencies in the development of the radiation situation in the Dnieper water system after the Chernobyl accident. Bulletin of Agrarian Science, 4, 39-48. [In russian]
7. Kanivets, V.V., Derkach, G.A., Lutsenko, S.I. (2005). The state of radioactive contamination of river and sea waters of Ukraine two decades after the Chernobyl accident // Proceedings of the international. conf. “Radioactivity after nuclear explosions and accidents”, (Moscow, December 5-6, 2005). [In russian]
8. Kanivets, V., Laptev, G., Konoplev, A., Lisovyi, H., Derkach, G., Voitsekhovych, O. (2020). Dynamics of Radionuclides in the Chernobyl Cooling Pond. In: Konoplev, A., Kato, K., Kalmykov, S. (Eds). Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment II: Chernobyl. Tokyo: Springer, 349–405. (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3568-0_8)
9. Kanivets, V.V., Voitsekhovitch, O.V., Simov, V.G., Golubeva, Z.A. (1999). The post-Chernobyl budget of 137Cs and 90Sr in the Black Sea. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 43, 121-135.
10. Kanivets, V.V., Voitsekhovich, O.V., Khrystyuk, B.F., (1998). Riverine Transport of 137Cs and 90Sr into the Black Sea After Chernobyl Accident (Data Analysis and Methodological Aspects of Monitoring). Proc. of Inter. Sympos. on Marine Pollut. (Monaco, 5-9 October 1998), 44-51.
11. Kondratiev, N.E., Popov, I.V., Snischenko, B.F. (1982). Fundamentals of the hydromorphological theory of the channel process. Leningrad. [In russian]
12. Kulebakina, L.G. & Polikarpov, G.G. (1991). Radioecological Monitoring of the Black Sea Basin Following the Chernobyl NPS Accident. Proc. of Seminar on Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Radionuclides Released during Three Major Nuclear Accidents: Kyshtym, Windscale, Chernobyl. Luxembourg, 1-5 Oct. 1990, Luxembourg, Report EUR 13574, II, 607-648.
13. Kuzmenko, M.I., Volkova, E.N., Klenus, V.G., Novikov, B.I., Pan’kov, I.V., Kaglyan, A.E., Matvienko, L.P., Shirokaya, Z.O. (1992). Radioactive contamination of the Dnieper and its reservoirs and some hydroecological measures after the Chernobyl accident. Hydrobioljgical Journal, 28 (6): 86-94. [In russian]
14. Makhonko, K.P. (1987). Radioactive contamination of the territory of the USSR in 1986 (Yearbook) / edited by K.P. Makhonko, Obninsk.134. [In russian]
15. Novikov, B.I., Timchenko, V.M. (1992). Hydrological conditions for the migration of radionuclides along the cascade of Dnieper reservoirs. Water Resources, 1, 95-102. [In russian]
16. Polikarpov, G.G., Kulebakina, L.G., Timoshchuk, V.T., and Stokozov, N.A. (1991). Sr-90 and Cs-137 in Surface Waters of the Dnieper River, the Black Sea and the Aegen Sea in 1987 and 1988. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 13, 25-38.
17. Romanenko, V.D., Kuzmenko, M.I., Yevtushenko, M.Yu. et al. (1992). Radioactive and chemical contamination of the Dnieper and its reservoirs after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Kiev.
18. Sansone, U., Belli, M., Kanivets, V.V., Voitsekovitch, O.V. (1996). 137Cs and 90Sr in water and suspended particulate matter of the Dnieper River-Reservoirs System (Ukraine). Science of the Total Environment, 186 (3), 257-271.
19. Voitsekhovich, O.V., Kanivets V.V., Laptev G.V. (1997). Current state of radioactive contamination of water bodies in the zone affected by the accident // In the book: Radiogeoecology of water systems affected to contamination as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Kyiv, Chernobylinterinform, 60-96. [In russian]
20. Voitsekhovych, O., Kanivets, V., Simov, V., Fetisov, L. et al. (1996). Experimental Studies of the Radionuclide Flux from Rivers and Radionuclide-Sediment Interaction in the Black Sea. Final report under IAEA research contract No. 7330/R2/RB, UHMI, Kyiv.