Ilyin Yu.
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Kyiv

DOI: http://doi.org/10.15407/Meteorology2023.04.062

Keywords: satellite observations, Kakhovka HPP explosion, river runoff, transitional waters, buoyant plume, marine currents, environmental pollution


A series of satellite images of the Northwestern part of the Black Sea, recorded by the MODIS and VIIRS scanners in the visible range of the spectrum from June 4 to July 1, 2023, were analyzed. Data from operational observations of the river water level and wind and seawater salinity on the Northwestern coast of the Black Sea were also used. A description of the Dnipro water anomalous distribution of in the sea after the Russian occupiers blew up the Kakhovka reservoir’s dam was obtained. Three time intervals and corresponding dynamic modes of the riverine water spreading are allocated. Quantitative indicators of the riverine water dynamics in the sea at the first stage of its expansion are calculated based on the assessment of the average water discharge for 3 days after the dam explosion. It was concluded that the abnormal discharges of the Dnipro (20.5 thousand m3/s) produce an unusual mode of the riverine water dynamics in the sea, namely, the supercritical flow from the Kinburn Strait and the formation of a buoyant plume that interacts with the bottom at a depth of no more than 6 m. According to satellite observations, the plume of turbid riverine waters moved on the shelf at a speed of more than 50 cm/s and quickly reached the Odesa Bay, forming an anticyclonic eddy structure, which later increased to more than 40 km in diameter. As a first approximation, it is accepted that after the dam explosion, about 700 tons of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and more than 1,000 tons of dissolved inorganic nitrogen entered the Black Sea. Such an unusually large amount of nutrients could obviously cause the explosive reproduction (blooming) of phytoplankton. At the qualitative level, the negative environmental consequences for the marine environment of the abnormal input of pollutants and nutrients are outlined.


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