The editorial board of the journal "Meteorology. Hydrology. Environmental Monitoring" considers original, previously unpublished scientific articles on current issues in theoretical and applied meteorology, climate and hydrological research, water and atmospheric air monitoring, as well as materials of individual studies on related topics aimed at solving important climate, meteorological, and hydrological problems, as well as monitoring issues, short communications, conference proceedings, book reviews.
Manuscripts submitted to the editorial board of "Meteorology. Hydrology. Environmental Monitoring" undergo independent anonymous peer review.
Manuscripts that do not correspond to the journal's profile, have a low scientific-theoretical level, or do not fully comply with the author guidelines may be rejected.
Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the presented data, conclusions, quotations, results of statistical analysis, bibliographic references, geographic names, and personal names.
Manuscripts in Ukrainian and English are accepted for publication in the journal.
Publication of articles in the journal is free of charge. Articles are submitted electronically through the journal's website
Volume: Original scientific articles - 15 pages (including abstract, tables and illustrative material), methodological, problematic and review articles - not more than 20 pages, short messages, reviews, conference and congress materials - 5 pages.
The manuscript should be prepared in Microsoft Word, font size - 12, single line spacing.
1.The INFORMATIONAL PART includes the following items: UDC index, surname, name and patronymic of the author(s), place of work of the author(s) with indication of departmental subordination, address, telephone number, e-mail. If the article has several authors, the name of the corresponding author is indicated with an asterisk.
The abstract should contain the main provisions in accordance with the structure of the article (purpose, research methods, results, novelty), the length of the abstract in Ukrainian is up to 800 characters, in English – not less than 1800 characters.
Keywords (no more than 5-6).
In articles prepared in Ukrainian (in English), the names of authors, places of work, titles of articles, abstracts, and keywords are additionally provided in English (in Ukrainian).
2.TEXTUAL PART OF THE MANUSCRIPT2.1.The text of the article should include the following sections:
Introduction (Detailed assessment of relevant research and publications containing interim results or solutions to the given problem/ thopic. Highlighting aspects that remain unresolved.)
Materials and Methods (for original articles)
Results and Discussion
2.2. Tables, maps, and illustrative material are numbered, and references to them are made in the text. The number of illustrations should not exceed 8-10 depending on the length of the article.
Tables with a title and sequential number are placed right after the reference to them (after the end of the paragraph). Bulky tables should be avoided.
Geographic maps and diagrams should not be overcrowded with labels, overlapping of names and numbers is not allowed.
All graphics should be computer-generated and saved in one of the following formats: TIFF, BMP, JPEG with a resolution of at least 350 dpi.
Figures, graphs, diagrams, etc., should be submitted as separate files.
3.REFERENCESThe requirements for formatting references follow the APA style. You can find detailed guidelines for APA style references at the following link: